Any parent knows that, when it comes to finding homes for their children’s toys, you can never have too much storage. But instead of buying numerous toy chests and shelving units, why not see if a SuperGlide wardrobe could solve your storage problems?

Here’s how you can turn a sliding wardrobe into the ultimate toy storage solution:

Make the most of your wardrobe’s height

Many sliding wardrobes stretch all the way from floor to ceiling, so you have plenty of space to work with. Also, by installing some shelves at the highest level, you can create the perfect out-of-reach place to keep toys like Lego, which can pose a choking hazard to younger siblings.

Install plenty of shelves and drawers

Separating your wardrobe space out into lots of different compartments will make individual toys a lot easier to organise. It also makes it a lot safer; if the toys are resting on shelves rather than stacked high on top of each other, your child is less likely to have the entire contents of the wardrobe tumble on top of them when they’re trying to find one particular toy.

Make use of hanging spaces

If you’re using your sliding wardrobe exclusively for storage, it doesn’t mean clothing rails are a waste of space. There are plenty of storage baskets that you can buy, or adapt, so that they can be suspended from the rail. It’s also a great space to keep dressing-up items.

Keep things organised

Make sure every toy has its own home. If you keep similar items in the same place – for example all the puzzles and board games are kept on one shelf – it will make it a lot easier for your children to find what they’re looking for.

For more inspiration, check out the SuperGlide range today.

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Dave Collins